标题:栽培苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)及其近缘种间的分子谱系关系



摘要:栽培苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)是苹果属(Malus Miller)植物中栽培种类的统称,在分类学上属于蔷薇科(Rosaceae)苹果亚科(Maloideae)。1768年Miller在苹果属下建立了苹果M.pumila Mill,从而奠定了苹果属的分类地位。在过去的200多年里,国内外学者对栽培苹果的起源和进化问题从形态到分子开展了一系列研究。由于苹果属植物栽培历史悠久以及近缘种属之间的有性杂交等因素,现在有关栽培苹果的祖先种,及其起源方式,起源地等问题上仍存在分歧。其中塞威士苹果(Malus sieversii(Ledeb.)Roem.)、森林苹果(M.sylvestris Miller)、东方苹果(M.orientalis Uglitzk)等都被报道为栽培苹果可能祖先种。栽培苹果的起源方式主要有现主要有两种观点:一种认为栽培苹果是由塞威士苹果直接栽培驯化而来,另一种观点认为塞威士苹果与其他苹果属植物野生种之间的杂交产生了现今的栽培苹果。关于栽培苹果起源地,中亚、南亚、西亚、高加索、巴基斯坦和中国西部及新疆的西部伊犁地区均有报道。栽培苹果具有很高的经济价值,准确地弄清栽培苹果及其近缘种之间的系统进化关系,对苹果植物的遗传育种、种质资源的深入研究、保护和利用都具有很重要的理论和实践价值。本论文利用细胞核和叶绿体基因组的分子标记相结合的方法揭示了栽培苹果和其可能祖先间的系谱关系,为栽培苹果的起源提供了新的证据。本实验得到了Sbel基因的9个内含子,通过序列拼接获得总长度为2664bp,其中所得数据信息共计92个可变位点是总基因片段长度的3.5%,其中35个信息位点,占总变异位点的38%。另外,cpDNA片段(TrnS-G,390F-1326R)序列对齐拼接后总长度为1295bp,其中所得数据信息有28个变异位点,信息位点为5个,占总变异位点的17.8%。然后以变叶海棠为外类群,采用简约法对栽培苹果(金冠)及其可能祖先种的Sbel基因序列及叶绿体基因序列分别进行分析。我们的研究结果表明,塞威士苹果及其变种吉尔吉斯苹果与栽培苹果亲缘关系最近,可能是栽培苹果金冠的祖先种。东方苹果较之森林苹果与栽培苹果的亲缘关系近。我们的结果支持中国新疆伊犁地区是塞威士苹果的起源中心,也是栽培苹果多样化的来源。最后我们对培苹果及其近缘种的关系,栽培苹果起源地和栽培苹果起源方式进行了详细的讨论。


Title: A Study of Molecular Phylogenetics between Malus Domestica Borkh. and Its Closely-related Wild Relatives

Authors: ZHANG Yuan-yuan,LI Xiao-meng,ZHOU Zhi-qing

Abstract: The cultivated apple under the scientific name of Malus domestica Borkh.includes all the cultivated types in the genus M.Miller which belongs to the subfamily Maloideae of Rosaceae.The genus M.Miller was established by Philip Miller in 1768,and since thena series of study from morphology to molecular markers on the origin and evolution of the M.domestica Borkh.have been carried out both in China and abroad in the past more 250 years.Because of long cultivation history and sexual compatibility between M. domestica and its closely related species,the questions concerning the wild ancestor of the cultivated apple, the time and place(s) of its origin have remain unresolved.In early studies several M.species,such as M. sieversii(Ledeb.) Roem.,M.sylvestris Miller,M.orientalis Uglitzk were suggested to have been involved in the origin of the cultivated apple.In current literature,there are also two points of view about how the cultivated apple was originated.One suggested that the cultivated apple was directly domesticated from M. sieversii,while the other contended that the cultivated apple was of hybrid origin between M.sieversii and its close relatives in the genus M.Miller.In respect to the question concerning where the cultivated apple was domesticated,Central Asia,south Asia,West Asia,the Caucasus,Pakistan,Western China and Yili prefecture of Xinjing Automous Region were suggested to be the possible origin place(s).Apple is one of the most important fruit crops cultivated in the temperate region of the world.A better understanding of the phylogenetic relationship between M.domestica Borkh.and its closely related species is of great theoretical and practical meanings for future variety breeding,germplasm investigation,collection, conservation and utilization of apple.In the present study,the SbeI gene fragments and two chloroplast DNA(cpDNA) regions(TrnS-G, matK) of the cultivated apple(M.domestica Borkh.cv.’Golden Delicious’) and all its putative ancestors were amplified,cloned and sequenced.Using M.toringoides(Rehd.) Hughes as outgroup,we constructed the maximum parsimony(MP) tree of the materials analyzed with PAUP~* computer software.Both our cpDNA and SheI gene trees indicated that M.sieversii and M.sieversii subsp,kirghisorum(AI.) Ponom. were the species most closely related to M.domestica Borkh.Our results also showed that M.orientalis Uglitzk is more closely related to M.domestica Borkh than M.sylvestris Miller.Our data supported that Yili area of Xinjiang Autonomous Region was the diversity center of M.sieversii and the origin place of the cultivated apple.In this study we reconstructed for the first time the molecular phylogenetic relationship between M.domestica Borkh and its candidate wild ancestors based on a combined analysis of both nuclear and chloroplast genome sequences.Our data provided new evidence for the origin and evolution of the cultivated apple.

Key words: the cultivated apple; putative wild ancestors; cpDNA; SbeI; phylogenetics;

文献注录:张元元,李小孟,周志钦. 栽培苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)及其近缘种间的分子谱系关系 [A]. 第二届全国果树分子生物学学术研讨会 [C] . 2009.

基金: 国家自然科学基金项目(No.30671450);中国农业科学院杰出人才基金


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