标题:Evaluation of transgenic citrus for disease resistance to HLB and Canker

作者:Dutt M, Barthe G.A, Orbovic V, Irey M, Grosser J.W

作者单位:University of Florida (UF), Citrus Research and Education Center, USA

摘要:Transgenic citrus scion and rootstock cultivars were transformed with gene(s) encoding antimicrobial peptides or systemic acquired resistance (SAR) proteins. Each gene was under control of an enhanced CaMV 35S promoter. Several genes were also under control of a phloem specific Arabidopsis SUC2 (AtSUC2) promoter. A number of clones of each transgenic line were evaluated for resistance to Huanglongbing (HLB, caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus) and Citrus Canker (caused by Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri). 600 trees planted in spring 2009 in a heavily HLB and canker infected Martin County grove were tested using qPCR for infection to HLB after 30 months in field. 396 trees tested negative for the HLB bacterium. Approximately 200 PCR negative trees were observed to be healthy and flushing after 40 months in the field and were again evaluated using qPCR. In addition, we observed several trees containing one of our antimicrobial constructs to be tolerant to citrus canker. In a separate experiment, 345 transgenic trees and controls were placed in a greenhouse containing free flying HLB-infected Asian Citrus Psyllids (ACP) during April 2011. All trees were evaluated for infection after 12 months by qPCR, and 80% of the transgenic trees tested negative for the bacterium. These results suggested that some of the antimicrobial peptides could provide varying levels of resistance against both HLB and canker.

文献注录:Dutt M, Barthe G.A, Orbovic V, Irey M, Grosser J.W. Evaluation of transgenic citrus for disease resistance to HLB and Canker [A]. [C] Ⅶ International Citrus Congress. 2012.


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