




Title: Effects of Rootstocks on Fruit Quality of‘Jincheng’ Sweet Orange

Authors: CHUN Chang-pin,PENG Liang-zhi,LEI Ting,TANG Hai-tao,CAO Li,JIANG Cai-lun,and LING Li-li

Abstract: The effects of rootstocks on fruit quality of’Jincheng’sweet orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck’.Tougshui 72-1 Jincheng’)on Rangpurlime,Volkamer lemon,Sunchusha mandarin,Sour orange smooth flat seville,Cleopatra mandarin,Goutou sour orange,C-35 citrange,Carrizo citrange,Pomeroy trifoliate orange,Rubidoux trifoliate orange and Rich 16-6 trifoliate orange were investigated consecutively from 2006 to 2008.The results showed that different rootstocks had different effects on both fruit color and internal quality.Fruits on trees grafted on Carrizo citrange possessed the best peel brightness,the highest yellow color intensity,the largest fruit and the thinnest peel.Fruits on Rubidoux trifoliate orange rootstock showed the best red color intensity,the highest total soluble solids(TSS)/ titratable acid(TA)ratio and the thickest peel.Trees on Volkamer lemon rootstock produced fruits with the roughest peel surface,the least peel yellow color intensity,the smallest central axis,and the lowest fruit weight and edible rate.Fruits on rootstock of C-35 citrange had the largest central axis and the lowest vitamin C content.Fruits on rootstock of Smooth flat seville sour orange were the highest in edible rate and the lowest in red color intensity.Fruits from the trees on Rich 16-6 trifoliate orange had the highest TSS content.Fruits from trees on Sunchusha mandarin had the highest TA content,the highest vitamin C content and the lowest TSS/TA ratio.Fruits with the lowest TSS and TA content were from the trees on Goutou sour orange.Judged by overall performance,the best rootstocks for ’Jincheng’ sweet orange are Sunchusha mandarin,Carrizo citrange,and C-35 citrange whereas poorest ones are Rangpurlime and Volkamer lemon.

Key words: citrus; rootstock; sweet orange; fruit; quality;

文献注录:淳长品,彭良志,雷霆,唐海涛,曹立,江才伦,凌丽俐. 不同柑橘砧木对锦橙果实品质的影响 [J]. 园艺学报. 2010, 06: 991-996.

基金: 国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAD47B04,2007BAD61B03);公益性行业(农业)科研专项(nyhyzx07-023-02);国家现代农业(柑橘)产业技术体系岗位科学家科研专项

报/刊名:园艺学报》,发表于2010 / 第 06 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 991-996 页 / 共6

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