


摘要:采用参与性农户评估方法(PRA),对三峡库区45户桔农和45户粮农进行抽样调查,在种植规模和农户文化素质对柑桔和粮食生产的影响进行比较分析的基础上,对农业结构调整中小农户种植行为的选择与调控进行了探讨。研究结果表明,柑桔单产与种植规模之间存在显著的相关关系(R~2=0.8214**)。柑桔单产随种植规模的扩大迅速增加(y=440.53 x+307.64),柑桔种植规模每扩大667 m~2,单产可增加440.53 kg,而粮食单产与种植规模之间不存在任何相关关系;同样,农户文化素质对粮食单产基本上不存在影响,而对柑桔单产存在影响,且随着农户素质的提高,这种影响越来越显著。从种植规模和农户文化素质对柑桔和粮食生产的影响分析可知,相对于粮食生产,柑桔生产是技术含量和经济效益均相对较高的产业,随着三峡库区柑桔产业化的发展和农户文化素质的不断提高,柑桔和粮食间比较效益的差异将使得柑桔种植规模的扩大成为一种必然趋势。作为农业生产经营的主体单位,农户种植行为的选择与调整是诱发农业结构变动的微观基础,农户种植行为的调控必须以尊重农户意愿为前提,以提高农民的收入为根本目的。


Title: Behavior Differences and Characteristics Between Citrus Growers and Cereal Growers in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

Authors: XIONG Xiao-shan,LIU Xiao-feng,WEN Ze-fu,HUANG Sen

Abstract: This paper presented a regional analysis on farming behaviors of farmers in Three Gorges Reservoir Area.The analysis was based on a survey of 45 citrus growers and 45 cereal growers by participatory rural appraisal.Based on the analysis of the effects of farm size and growers’ education on the production of citrus and cereals,the authors discussed the grower’s choice of fanning behaviors in the adjustment of agricultural structure.The results showed that there was a pronounced positive correlation between per unit area yield and farm size among citrus growers whereas no such relationship among cereal growers.Farmers’ education did not influence per unit area yield and returns of cereal growers,but it did influence cit- rus growers.Citrus growers receiving higher education tended to obtain a higher per unit area yield and, hence,a higher return.Therefore,growing citrus demands more for growers’ techniques than growing cereals. With the development of citrus industry in Three Gorges Reservoir area and the improvement in farmer’s education,it was inevitable that the orchard sizes will be increased due to higher margins from growing oranges than growing cereals.It was suggested that the wills of the growers must be respected to protect their benefit during agriculture structure adjustment.

文献注录:熊晓山,刘晓凤,文泽富,黄森. 三峡库区柑桔和粮食生产中农户行为方式差异及其特征分析 [J]. 中国南方果树. 2010, 01: 4-8.

基金: 重庆市农发资金项目“柑桔产业经济过程与行为研究”资助

报/刊名:中国南方果树》,发表于2010 / 第 01 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 4-8 页 / 共5

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