


摘要:通过对紫色土幼龄柑桔园不同坡度及牧草间作条件下水土流失情况的模拟研究看出;实行清耕的坡地柑桔园;随着坡度增大;地表径流和土壤侵蚀量均大幅度增加;反之;2 0cm深处土层的渗透水量则相应下降。果园地面间种牧草可大幅度减少水土流失;其效果与地面覆盖率、刈割时间等有关。地面覆盖率高时水土流失量大幅度减少;下雨前刈割会加大水土流失。


Title: Effect of Field Slope and Green Manure Crops on Water Runoff and Soil Erosion in A Hilly Citrus Orchard

Authors: He Shao-lan, Deng Lie, Lei Ting, Xie Rang-jin, Tan Zhi-you, Yan Cheng-quan, GAO Fang-jin

Abstract: A study was conducted to analyze the effects of field slope and green manure crops on water runoff and soil erosion in a young citrus orchard on purple soil. It was found that both water runoff and soil erosion were significantly increased with the increase of slope degrees in the ploughed bare field. As a result, the amount of infiltrated water measured at the depth of 20 cm was reduced. Growing cover crops such as green manures and herbage significantly reduced rain runoff and soil erosion. The amount of reduction was related to the coverage rate of the green manure crops and the soil exposure time after digging in.

Key words: Young citrus orchard; Purple soil; Field slope; Green manure cropping; Water and soil erosion; Simul

文献注录:何绍兰,邓烈,雷霆,谢让金,谭志友,晏承泉,高芳劲. 不同坡度及牧草种植对紫色土幼龄柑桔园水土流失的影响 [J]. 中国南方果树. 2004, 06: 1-4.

基金: 国家科技攻关“三峡库区特色产业生态经济系统重建关键技术研究与示范”项目资助

报/刊名:中国南方果树》,发表于2004 / 第 06 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 1-4 页 / 共4

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