


摘要:柑桔衰退病毒(CTV)存在着复杂的株系分化现象。在使用弱毒株交叉保护防治柑桔衰退病时需要对田间病毒株系组成进行分析,并对选用的株系进行单蚜分离纯化。作者运用限制性片段长度多态性和单链构象多态性对田间获得的168个 CTV 样品和2个蚜传毒株的外壳蛋白基因进行分析,了解重庆市田间 CTV 组群构成情况,发现田间 CTV 以多株系混合发生为主,其中主要是CP/Hinf I RFLP 第1、3和6组群,约占总数的90%,并以强毒株混合感染为主。甜橙中 CP/Hinf IRFLP 的组群构成最为复杂。单头褐色桔蚜从柚类至甜橙传播 CTV 的效率低(不足1%),该蚜的取食可改变 CTV 的株系组成。


Title: The polymorphism of Citrus tristeza virus in Chongqing,China

Authors: ZHOU Yan,ZHOU Chang-yong,WANG Xue-feng,TANG Ke-zhi

Abstract: Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) exists as a large number of distinct strains differing in biological characters in citrus.The control strategies such as mild strains cross protection (MSCP),require clearly understanding the constitution of CTV strains,and segregating the single strain from the mixture of strains by single aphid transmission.Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and single-strand con- formation polymorphism (SSCP) assays on coat protein gene of 168 CTV isolates collected from 10 differ- ent places in Chongqing and two aphid transmission subisolates,demonstrated that the mixture of CTV strains often occur in the field trees.In this study,about 90% of the isolates analyzed contain those strains with CP/Hinf Ⅰ RFLP groups 1,3 and 6 which were classified as severe strains.Sweet orange samples contain more CP/Hinf Ⅰ RFLP groups than others.The efficacy of CTV by single brown aphid, Toxoptera citricida Kirkaldy,transmission from pummelo to sweet orange was very low based on our exper- iment (less than 1% ).And brown aphid may change the constitution of CTV isolate.

Key words: CTV; cross protection; RFLP assay; SSCP assay; single aphid transmission;

文献注录:周彦,周常勇,王雪峰,唐科志. 重庆地区柑桔衰退病毒多态性研究 [J]. 植物保护学报. 2005, 02: 143-147.

基金: 重庆市柑桔百万吨工程项目(2003年);人事部留学人员优秀项目基金(2002年)

报/刊名:植物保护学报》,发表于2005 / 第 02 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 143-147 页 / 共5

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