Title: Trovita orange,a new citrus cultivar for processing and fresh consumption
Authors: TAN Zhi-you,WU Hou-jiu,LEI Ting,DENG Lie
Abstract: Trovita orange, a new citrus orange cultivar, originated from some orange cultivars introduced from abroad. Its fruit matures in late December. The fruit is oblate to round in shape, having 0 to 3 seeds, and averaged 180 g in size. The rind color is vivid in orange yellow. The oil gland is prominent. The fruit flesh is tender, juicy and having full-bodied orange taste. Edible rate reaches to 69.1%, juice content reaches to 51.6% and the soluble solids content reaches 10.5 to 13.0%. The total acid is about 8 g/L. Vc is about 500 mg/L. The fruit has good storability and excellent eating quality, could hang on the tree to the next March.
Key words: Citrus orange; New cultivar; Trovita;
文献注录:谭志友,吴厚玖,雷霆,邓烈*. 柑橘加工鲜食兼用新品种——特罗维塔甜橙的选育 [J]. 果树学报. 2008, 04: 620-621+446.
基金: 科技部“十五”国家科技攻关项目(2004BA604A03);“施格兰·三峡柑桔产业化项目”
报/刊名:《果树学报》,发表于2008 / 第 04 期。
文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物)
页码:第 620-621+446 页 / 共3 页