


摘要:塔罗科血橙新系是从意大利引进的塔罗科血橙珠心系后代中筛选的优变无性系。该品种果实倒卵形或短椭圆形,平均单果重194 9g,果皮和果肉色泽深红至紫红,汁多肉嫩,果汁含量55 25%,含可溶性固形物11 68%,每100mL果汁含总糖9 08g,酸0 95g,Vc60 16mg,有浓郁的玫瑰芳香,无核(平均0 32粒),品质上等。丰产性强,成年果园公顷产22500~37500kg。成熟期晚(1月下旬至2月初),避开了中熟品种集中上市高峰。经济效益显著,发展潜力巨大。


Title: Study on the breeding of ’Tarocco Xinxi’ of tarocco blood orange(Citrus sinensis Osbeck)

Authors: CHEN Ke-ling,LIU Jian-jun,LUO Fa-yuan,GAO Ying,CHEN Li-geng,HONG Qi-bing

Abstract: Tarocco Xinxi (Citrus sinensis Osbeck,) originated from a superior clone selected from offsprings of Tarocco nucellar,which was introduced from Italy.The fruit was medium-large in size (average weight of 194.9g) with shape of reverse-ovoid or short-ellipsoid.At maturity, both the rind and pulp color were deep red or purplish red.The pulp was tender and juicy ( juice content 55.25 %), with total soluble solids (TSS) of 11.68 %, and sugar of 9.08g, acidity of 0.95g and vitamin C of 60.16 mg/100mL juice, respectively. The fruit was seedless (mean 0.32 seeds per fruit) and its flavor had a nice aroma as rose.Tarocco Xinxi had heavy productivity (22 500~62 500 kg/ha) and the fruit quality was superior.And due to its late-matured time (late-January or early-February,avoiding the peak periods of the most citrus varieties ripening and selling in markets, and just meeting the Spring Festival),this variety had a significant economic benefits and higher potential in development.

Key words: citrus; blood orange; Tarocco Xinxi; selection;

文献注录:陈克玲,刘建军,罗发源,高瑛,陈力耕,洪棋斌. 塔罗科血橙新系的选育研究 [J]. 西南农业学报. 2004, 04: 487-492.

基金: 四川省果树育种攻关项目

报/刊名:西南农业学报》,发表于2004 / 第 04 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 487-492 页 / 共6

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