Title: Reach on the Folate of Orange Juice
Authors: XIE Jiao,WANG Hua,REN Ting-yuan,LI Yuan-hu
Abstract: This paper mainly studied the methods of the folic acid stemming from NFC orange juice and detection of folic acid,and provided an overview of folic acid in the application of food company、medication、forage aspect. Finally,the development prospects of folic acid of NFC orange juice were discussed.
Key words: orange juice; folic acid; detection;
文献注录:谢姣,王华,任廷远,李元虎. 橙汁中叶酸的研究 [J]. 食品与发酵科技. 2009, 05: 54-57.
报/刊名:《食品与发酵科技》,发表于2009 / 第 05 期。
文献类型: [J]
页码:第 54-57 页 / 共4 页