




Title: Color Changes of Fresh Orange Juice during Refrigerated Storage

Authors: HAN Yan,WU Hou-jiu,DOU Hua-ting

Abstract: Orange juices derived from 3 orange cultivars were stored at 4 ℃ for 12 weeks, and their color, carotenoids and vitamin C contents were determined at intervals of 2 weeks. Color changes of the orange juices and their possible relationships with the changes of carotenoids and ascorbic acid contents were investigated. Results showed that during storage, CIE1976 a* value (red- green) and OJ value decreased and CIE1976 L* value (brightness), b* value (yellow-blue), C* and Hue values increased, and overall color change (ΔE*) increased significantly (P < 0.05). Simultaneously, the content of carotenoids and vitamin C decreased and browning index increased. The color of orange juice was significantly positively correlated with the content of carotenoids and vitamin C, and significantly negatively correlated with the browning index. From the viewpoint of color, the expiration time of the orange juices is 7 - 9 weeks.

Key words: orange juice; color change; refrigerated storage; carotenoids; VC;

文献注录:韩燕,吴厚玖,窦华亭. 鲜橙汁冷藏期间色泽变化研究 [J]. 食品科学. 2006, 02: 269-272.

基金: 国家“948”项目(2006G23);“十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2007BAD47B05)

报/刊名:食品科学》,发表于2006 / 第 02 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 269-272 页 / 共4

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