Title: Preliminary Report on Tree Growth and Soil Change in Citrus Orchard after Citrus Pericarp Burried
Authors: Jiang Cai-lun,Peng Liang-zhi,Chun Chang-pin,Cao Li,Lei Ting
Abstract: We developed the experiment on Hamlin citrus orchard of Zhongxian,Chongqing with alkaline soiland during 2004 to 2005, in order to use citrus pericarp without pollution. The results showed as following aspects. Firstly,the pericarp rot rapidly in soil with good aeration but very slowly in harden soil with bad aeration after same amount of pericarp buried. Secondly,trees grew less with increasing amount of buried pericarp,and significantly reduced after buried 110 kg pericarp per plant . Deep-burying 45~50 cm can promote the growth of height and crown spreading. Thirdly,Reduction of soil pH had a positive correlation with amount of pericarp,and the shallower buried,the more pH value decreased.
Key words: Orchard; Citrus pericarp; Soil amendment; pH; Tree growth;
文献注录:江才伦,彭良志,淳长品,曹立,雷霆. 果园压埋柑橘皮渣对柑橘生长和土壤pH值的影响初报 [J]. 西南园艺. 2006, 04: 14-16.
基金: 国家科技部项目“柑橘皮渣还田技术研究”(2004BA604A)。
报/刊名:《西南园艺》,发表于2006 / 第 04 期。
文献类型: [J] (文献级别:非核心刊物)
页码:第 14-16 页 / 共3 页