


摘要:采用玻片浸渍法测定了山西省忻州、晋中和运城地区山楂叶螨(Tetranychus viennensisZacher)种群对水胺硫磷和甲氰菊酯的抗药性,并通过增效剂增效作用和生化测定,初步探索了山楂叶螨对水胺硫磷和甲氰菊酯的抗性机制.研究表明忻州、晋中和运城地区山楂叶螨种群对水胺硫磷分别表现为低、中和高水平抗性,忻州和晋中地区种群对甲氰菊酯表现中水平抗性,运城地区种群对甲氰菊酯产生了高水平抗性;山楂叶螨对水胺硫磷抗性的形成与乙酰胆碱酯酶敏感度降低有关,对甲氰菊酯抗性的形成与表皮穿透能力降低有关,另外,谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶、多功能氧化酶及羧酸酯酶活力的提高与水胺硫磷和甲氰菊酯抗性的形成有一定的关系.


Title: Studies on Resistance Mechanisms of the Hawthorn Spider Mite,Tetranychus Viennensis Zacher,to Isocarbophos and Fenpropathrin

Authors: LIU Jin-xiang,HAN Jv-cai,LIU Hui-ping

Abstract: The resistance of the field populations of the hawthorn spider mite(Tetranychus viennensis Zacher) from Xinzhou,Jinzhong,Yuncheng regions of Shanxi Province to acaricides was tested.Based on the effect of synergist and biochemistry analysis,the isocarbophos-resistant and the fenpropathrin-resistant mechanisms were discussed.The results showed that the Xinzhou,Jinzhong and Yuncheng strains had developed low,medium and high resistance level to isocarbophos,respectively.The Xinzhou and Jinzhong strains had showed low level resistance,and the Yungcheng strain had developed high level resistance to fenpropathrin.It was found that the resistance of the mite to isocarbophos was related to the decreased sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase(AChE),and the fenpropathrin-resistant mechanism was because of the reduced penetration of the acaricide.In addition,the resistance of the mite to isocarbophos and fenpropathrin was partly related to the high activities of glutathion-S-transferase(GST),mixed function oxidase(MFO) and carboxylesterase(CarE).

Key words: Tetranychus viennensis Zacher; isocarbophos; fenpropathrin; resistance mechanisms;

文献注录:刘金香,韩巨才,刘慧平. 山楂叶螨抗药性机制的初步研究 [J]. 四川大学学报(自然科学版). 2006, 06: 1364-1368.

基金: 山西省留学资金(97034)

报/刊名:四川大学学报(自然科学版)》,发表于2006 / 第 06 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 1364-1368 页 / 共5

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