摘要:经测定25%嘧菌酯悬浮剂800~2 500倍液对柑橘炭疽病和疮痂病有较好防治效果,以800和1 250倍液为佳,对除蒂腐病之外的贮藏病害也有较好的效果。可用来防治柑橘炭疽病和疮痂病,以提高果实品质、减少落果,降低产量损失。
Title: Study on the Control Effect of Azoxystrobin to Citrus Diseases
Authors: Li Hong-jun,Lei Hui-de,Yao Ting-shan,Liu Hao-qiang,Tian Wen-hua,Qian Ke-ming
Abstract: The field trials showed that the effect of azoxystrobin were satisfactory in controlling Colletotrichum glocosporioides Penz.,Sphaceloma fawcettii Jenk and storage diseases except Phoopsis citri Fawc.,especially diluted 800 times and 1 250 times.It was recommended to use azoxystrobin for the control of Colletotrichum glocosporioides Penz.and Sphaceloma fawcettii Jenk.,the fruit-dropping could be reduced and the quality and quantity of citrus yield could be increased as well.
Key words: Azoxystrobin; citrus disease; field effect;
文献注录:李鸿筠,姚廷山,刘浩强,雷慧德,田文华,钱克明. 25%嘧菌酯悬浮剂对柑橘病害防治试验 [J]. 农药科学与管理. 2006, 08: 27-30.
报/刊名:《农药科学与管理》,发表于2006 / 第 08 期。
文献类型: [J]
页码:第 27-30 页 / 共4 页