


摘要:烟草曲茎病毒(Tobacco curly shoot virus,TbCSV)是从云南烟草上分离的双生病毒科Gemini-viridae菜豆金色花叶病毒属Begomovirus的一个新种,在番茄和烟草上可引起严重的曲叶病。该病毒与伴随卫星DNAβ形成的病害复合体在病毒致病性、DNAβ与辅助病毒的伴随关系及调控症状的作用等方面均与其它双生病毒病害复合体不同,对其进化起源的研究表明,TbCSV在进化中介于需要卫星的双生病毒和真正的单组分双生病毒之间,因而针对TbCSV病害复合体的研究对于解读双生病毒的起源和遗传进化机制具有重要意义。作者从TbCSV病害复合体的发生危害、基因组结构、伴随小分子DNA、各DNA组分互作以及起源进化等方面综述了该病毒病害复合体的研究进展。


Title: Review of advances and perspectives in Tobacco curly shoot virus/DNAβ disease complex studies

Authors: Qing Ling, Ren Fang,Tan Wan-zhong,Zhou Chang-yong

Abstract: Tobacco curly shoot virus (TbCSV),isolated from tobacco plants in Yunnan Province,is a distinct species of Begomovirus in the family Geminiviridae and causes serious leaf curl disease on tomato and tobacco plants. TbCSV/DNAβ disease complex is different from the other reported begomovirus/satellite disease complexes in many aspects including the pathogenicity of viral DNA-A and the characteristics of association with helper virus and the role in regulating symptom of DNAβ. The studies on the origin and evolution of the TbCSV indicated this virus may represent an evolutionary intermediate between the DNAβ requiring begomoviruses and the truly monopartite begomoviruses. Therefore,the studies on the evolution of TbCSV/DNAβ disease complex have great significance in understanding of the mechanism of genetic evolution of begomovirus/satellite disease complexes. In the present review,the distribution and damages,genomic structure,associated small DNA molecules and interactions of the molecular components,and origin and evolution of the TbCSV/DNAβ complex are discussed.

Key words: Tobacco curly shoot virus; disease complex; small DNA molecules; interactions; evolution;

文献注录:青玲,任芳,谭万忠,周常勇*. 烟草曲茎病毒/DNAβ病害复合体研究进展 [J]. 植物保护学报. 2009, 05: 466-472.

基金: 国家青年科学基金(30700524);西南大学博士后基金(207001)

报/刊名:植物保护学报》,发表于2009 / 第 05 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 466-472 页 / 共7

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