


摘要: 以MT为基本培养基并附加各种植物激素和生理活性物质的一系列培养基中,6~8周龄的柑桔胚珠诱导产生愈伤组织和胚状体后进一步诱导形成次生胚状体,通过萌发或诱导丛芽再生出完整植株。外源激素的种类和组合对愈伤组织的诱导,胚状体的形成和次生胚状体的发生以及成苗都有显著的影响。染色体计数分析表明,通过次生胚胎发生途径的再生植株,其遗传性是稳定的。 更多还原

关键词: 柑桔; 胚珠; 胚状体; 次生胚状体;

Title: Secondary Embryogenesis in Citrus

Authors: He Yong-rui; Hong Yong; Chen Shan-chun; Gao Feng; Zhang Jin-ren

Abstract: On a series of Murashige and Tucker (MT) media supplemented with differentgrowth regulators, 6-8-week-old ovules of citrus were induced to form calli, embryoids, secondary embryoids and then regenerate plantlets. The exogenous phytohormones and their combinations had remarkable effects on the induction of callus, embryogensis and secondary embryogensis. The chromosome count analysis verified that the inheritance of the plantlets fromsecondary embryogenesis is stable.

Key words: itrus; ovules; embryoid; secondary embryoids;

文献注录:何永睿,洪勇,陈善春,张进仁,高峰. 柑桔组织培养中的次生胚胎发生研究 [J]. 热带作物学报. 1999.


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