标题:Effect of phosphorus on N, P, K, Mg accumulation and plant growth of different citrus rootstocks

作者: P. F., T. U.

摘要: The results of investigation on early evaluation of compatibility between commercial citrus varieties, and Kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) and Carrizo citrange (C. sinensis Osb. x P. trifoliata L. Raf.) rootstocks, at Mekong Delta Vietnam, during four successive years from 2010 to 2013, reported that out of the tested combinations of the recent commercial citrus varieties, included Da xanh pumelo... [Show full abstract]

文献注录: P. F., T. U.. Effect of phosphorus on N, P, K, Mg accumulation and plant growth of different citrus rootstocks [J]. Applied Ecology & Environmental Research. 2018: 819-836.

报/刊名: Applied Ecology & Environmental Research》,发表于2018

文献类型: [J]

页码: 819-836 页 / 共

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