


ISSR markers were used to study the fingerprinting patterns and the genetic diversity of 39 accessions of wild loquat germplasms of Guizhou province. By using fifteen selected primers, a total of 125 clear and reproducible bands were amplified, among which 108 bands were polymorphic, accounting for 86. 4% of the total. The ISSR fingerprinting patterns of 39 loquat accessions were es- tablished by using primer combinations of 815, 825 and 841 that were capable of distinguishing all the accessions. The genetic diversities of the studied genotypes were revealed by UPGMA clustering of the scores of ISSR bands. Five groups were obtained from the dendrogram taking 0. 70 as a threshold. The clustering result was related to germplasm phenoptypes, but not obviously to geographic distribution.

关键词:枇杷; 种质资源; ISSR; 遗传多样性; loquat; germplasm resource; ISSR marker; genetic diversit

文献注录:范付华,宋莎,洪怡,赵亚楠,文晓鹏. 贵州野生枇杷资源遗传多样性的ISSR分析 [J]. 中国南方果树. 2012, 03: 36-39.

报/刊名:中国南方果树》,发表于2012 / 第 03 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 36-39 页 / 共4

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