




Title: Research progress and prospects of supplements-iron

Authors: LIU Shu-li,WANG Chun-yan,SHENG Zhan-wu,WANG Hua

Abstract: The iron is the indispensable element to the human body,but the phenomenon that the people lacks of iron in our country is extremely common.For this reason,there will be broad market prospect to develop new supplements-iron.It summarized supplements-iron research status,and has made the forecast to supplements-iron development in this article. 更多还原

Key words: iron; supplements-iron; research progress; development; absorption rate;

文献注录:刘树立,王春艳,盛占武,王华*. 铁补充剂的研究现状及展望 [J]. 中国食品添加剂. 2007, 01: 122-125+121.

报/刊名:中国食品添加剂》,发表于2007 / 第 01 期。

文献类型: [J]

页码: 122-125+121 页 / 共5

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