




Title: Geostatistics and GIS-based Spatial Distribution of Microelements in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area

Authors: WANG Xuan, WANG Chen-qiu , TANG Jiang , WEI Cao-fu, XIE De-ti

Abstract: In this paper, spatial patterns of soil micrelements were studied in Three Gorege Reservior Area.Results showed that TFe2O3 took on normal distribution while the others were subjected to Asymmetric distribution.The integrative comparisons of semivariogram parameters with different trends of the kriging prediction errors of elements indicated that the 2-order trend effect was preferable for B, Cu, TFe2O3, Mn and Zn ,while none trend effect was preferable for Cl and Mo.Spatial variation of B, Cu, TFe2O3, Mn, Mo and Zn was similar in four directions but with different ranges, and Cl was homorogeneous in all directions.B, Cu, Tfe2O3, Mn and Zn were characterized by medium spatial correlation, while the others by weak one.These microelements showed that the trend decreased from east to west, from northeast to southwest, and the higher contents were found in northeast Wushan county, Fengjie county and southwest Fuling country.And no any trend could be found for Cl spatial distribution

Key words: Geostastics; GIS; Micrelement; Spatial distribution; Three Gorege Reservior Area;

文献注录:汪璇,王成秋,唐将,魏朝富,谢德体. 基于地统计学和GIS的三峡库区土壤微量营养元素空间变异性研究 [J]. 土壤通报. 2009, 02: 359-365.

基金: 重庆市科委项目(8021)资助

报/刊名:土壤通报》,发表于2009 / 第 02 期。

文献类型: [J]

页码: 359-365 页 / 共7

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