




Title: Study of Microwave-assisted Protein Extraction from Tangerine Seed

Authors: LI Yuan-hu ,WANG Hua ,REN Ting-yuan ,XIE Jiao

Abstract: Microwave-assisted extraction was a new technology of extraction,which had high selectivity,high extraction efficiency,saving resources and easy manipulation advantages.The purpose of this experiment is to determine the microwave-assisted extraction Tangerine seed protein of process conditions,single-factor by investigation (extracting time,microwave power,extraction solvent pH value,liquid material than) on extracting,to design L9(34) orthogonal,optimized for extraction of the microwave experimental scheme.As it turns out,stronger conditions as:extracting time 50s,microwave power 500W,extraction solvent pH value is 12,liquid material than 1:20.In this condition the extraction of seed Tangerine protein was 85.72%. 更多

文献注录:李远虎,王华,任廷远,谢姣. 微波辅助提取红橘种子蛋白质的研究 [J]. 食品与发酵科技. 2010, 01: 82-84+99.

报/刊名:食品与发酵科技》,发表于2010 / 第 01 期。

文献类型: [J]

页码: 82-84+99 页 / 共4

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