




Title: Study on Suitability for Juicing and Blending of Juices of Jincheng,Dahongcheng and Bingtangcheng Orange Fruits

Authors: Wu Hou-jiu,Deng Lie,He Shao-lan,Sun Zhi-gao,Huang Xue-gen,Wang Hua,Yi Shi-lai

Abstract: The juicing suitability of the fruits of 3 sweet orange cultivars Jincheng,Dahongtiancheng and Bingtangcheng was assessed.The assessment criteria and methodology were also discussed.It was concluded that the primary evaluation criteria for juicing varieties were their fruit juice content,and the TSS,BAR,appearance,color,flavor,defects,and Vc content of the juice.Juices of Jincheng and Dahongtiancheng were sour while their other quality indicators were well acceptable.Bingtangcheng juice contained too low acid although the rests of the quality indicators were good.Good quality orange juices meeting NFC orange juice standard were obtained by blending juice of Bingtangcheng with either juice of Jincheng and Dahongtiancheng at 1∶1(V/V).

Key words: Jincheng; Dahongtiancheng; Bingtangcheng; Oranges; Juicing; Blending;

文献注录:吴厚玖,邓烈,何绍兰,孙志高,黄学根,王华,易时来,廖振坤. 锦橙、冰糖橙和大红甜橙制汁适应性及其果汁调配研究 [J]. 中国南方果树. 2006, 03: 1-5.

基金: 国家科技攻关项目2004BA604A03“加工柑桔优质高产低成本及皮渣无公害处理关键技术研究与示范”、2001BA501A32-2-2“柑桔加工特性研究及品质评价指标体系的构建”;“重庆三峡星火产业带”项目资助

报/刊名:中国南方果树》,发表于2006 / 第 03 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 1-5 页 / 共5

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