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  • 1. Towards developing resistance to Citrus tristeza virus (CTV) by expressing using pokeweed antiviral protein in transgenic grapefruit

    文献信息:Petersen Y, Keremane M, Moore G, Niblett C, Lee R等.  发表于【Phytopathology】 | 请登录

    简介:Pokeweed antiviral protein (PAP) isolated from Phytolacca Americana has been shown to have a broad range antiviral activity. For in vivo experiments, the wild type PAP gene was cloned into a plant transformation vector. We also prepared a DNA construct which produced a deletion of 25 amino acids from the C-terminus of PAP, and two constructs with independent point mutations at the N-terminus (Gly7...

    2. Regeneration of West Indian limes (Citrus aurantifolia) containing genes for decreased seed set

    文献信息:Koltunow AM, Brennan P, Protopsaltis S, Nito N.等.  发表于【Acta Horticulturae.】 | 请登录

    简介:Transgenic lime plants (Citrus aurantifolia) containing genes for decreased seed set were obtained from seedling hypocotyl and epicotyl segments by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. Etiolation of germinating seedlings was used as a conditioner to improve shoot regeneration, and co-cultivation with Agrobacterium in the dark improved transformation efficiency. Most transformants were obtained fr...

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