


摘要: 个性是一个期刊区别于其他期刊的重要标志,也是衡量其办刊水平的标准之一。高校学报的办刊模式使其很难突显自身的个性,现代编辑必须发挥自己的主观能动作用,进一步解放思想,强化创新意识,通过选题创新、营销创新、包装创新和编辑手段创新,别出心裁,标新立异,使自己的期刊具有个性,别具一格。


Title: Editors′ dynamic funciton and features and journals in higher education institutions

Authors: RAO Shu-jun, SONG Xiang-jun, ZHANG Cun-feng, LI Li

Abstract: Feature is an important distinction between one journal and others and also a standard to assess its quality. The present model makes it hard to present its features. So the editors now must conduct their dynamic functions, free their minds from boundaries, strengthen innovation concepts so as to make each journal form its special features.

Key words: journals in higher education institutions; features; editor; dynamic function;

文献注录:饶述军,宋祥军,张存凤,李莉. 编辑的能动作用与高校学报的个性 [J]. 陕西工学院学报. 2004, 04: 90-91+94.

报/刊名:陕西工学院学报》,发表于2004 / 第 04 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 90-91+94 页 / 共3

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