Title: The Application of Osmotic Distillation in Fruit Juices Concentration
Authors: Wang Li-ling ;Jiao Bi-ning
Abstract: Osmotic distillation is a recent membrane transport process. This technicpae can be used under atmos pheric pressure and at room temperature. It can produce high concentrated juice. It can reserve volatile component. The osmotic distillation characters and its applications in concentration of fruit juice were reviewed in this paper.
Key words: osmotic distillation; fruit juices; concentration; application.;
文献注录:王丽玲,焦必宁*. 渗透蒸馏在果汁浓缩中的应用 [J]. 食品工业. 2006, 02: 37-39.
报/刊名:《食品工业》,发表于2006 / 第 02 期。
文献类型: [J]
页码:第 37-39 页 / 共3 页