


摘要:研究常温通风库贮藏的北碚447锦橙果实产生褐斑前后的果皮结构及生理特征的变化趋势与褐斑的相关性。结果表明:褐斑后果皮皱缩、干瘪,形成不规则深棕色区域;油胞崩溃、萎缩,周围细胞变形,番红整染后样品着色深;果皮的游离过氧化物酶(soluble peroxidase,POD)、超氧化歧化酶(superoxide,SOD)和多酚氧化酶(polyphenoloxidase,PPO)以及果皮相对电导率(relative electric conductivity,REC)不仅相互间存在显著的相关性,与褐斑率也存在显著的相关性,它们相互作用,共同影响褐斑的发生。此外,PPO与总酚的含量变化没有线性相关性。因此,POD、SOD、PPO、REC可以作为观察褐斑发生的重要生理特征。


Title: Physiological,Biochemical and Microstructural Changes and Their Relationships with Peel Pitting of \"Beibei 447 Jincheng\" Orange during Postharvest Storage

Authors: LI Cong-min,YANG Xiao-hong,HAO Chun-mei,WANG Ri-kui,ZHOU Lian,HAN Ai-hua

Abstract: To reveal the occurrence mechanism of peel pitting of \"Beibei 447 Jincheng\"orange,physiological,biochemical and microstructural changes of \"Beibei 447 Jincheng\"orange stored under normal temperature and ventilation condition were measured before and after pitting,and their relationships with pitting were investigated.After the formation of pitting,\"Beibei 447 Jincheng\" orange peel became crimpled and shriveled.Besides,disruption and atrophy of oil vacuole and deformation of cells around oil vacuole were both observed,and safranine dyed samples exhibited a deep color.A significant correlation was observed among peroxidase(POD),superoxide(SOD),polyphenoloxidase(PPO) activities and relative electrical conductivity(REC) or between these parameters and peel pitting rate.The occurrence of peel pitting was due to the interactions among these parameters.Moreover,there was no linear relationship between PPO activity and total phenol content.Thus,POD,SOD and PPO activities and REC can be considered crucial physiological features indicating peel pitting occurrence.

Key words: \"Beibei 447 Jincheng\" orange; microstructure of peel; peel pitting; physiological features;

文献注录:李聪敏,杨晓红,郝春梅,王日葵,周炼,韩爱华. 锦橙采后果皮结构及生理特征变化与褐斑的相关性 [J]. 食品科学. 2010, 06: 274-278.

基金: “十一五”国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD22B01-01)

报/刊名:食品科学》,发表于2010 / 第 06 期。

文献类型: [J] (文献级别:核心刊物

页码: 274-278 页 / 共5

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