




Title: Determination of juice content in orange juices and comparison of correlation between the six characteristic mark compositions and juice content tested

Authors: YANG Xiu-jia,WU Hou-jiu

Abstract: The juice content of nineteen orange juice samples was determined,correlation between the six characteristic mark compositions(K,P,amino acid N,L-proline,D-isocitric,flavonoids)tested and juice content according to the national standard \" GB/T 16771-1997 Determination of juice content in orange and mandarin juice and their drinks\" was compared.The results showed that there were correlation in different degree between the six characteristic mark composition tested and juice content,K and juice content in the samples had the maximum correlation with a coefficient 0.6873,and amino acid N and juice content in the samples had the minimum correlation with a coefficient 0.3768,but all of them had not reached at significant level.

文献注录:杨秀佳,吴厚玖. 橙汁的果汁含量测定及与其6种特征指标相关性的比较 [J]. 食品工业科技. 2010, 01: 384-387.

基金: 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2007BAD47B05-2);可口可乐公司横向项目

报/刊名:食品工业科技》,发表于2010 / 第 01 期。

文献类型: [J]

页码: 384-387 页 / 共4

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