文献信息:冯鹄竣等. 请登录
简介:沙田柚(Citrus grandis var.shatinyou Hour)是芸香科柑桔属中著名的柚类良种,在我国栽培历史悠久,品种繁多,栽种范围广,面积大,年产量1866985吨,远销东南亚,但由于其种子多,平均每个果实种子数约为120多粒,严重影响了其商品价值和在国际市场上的竞争能力;此外,沙田柚树体高大,不便管理,生产成本较高。因此,增加无核和矮化性状已成为沙田柚遗传改良的重要研究课题。本文以沙田柚为应用研究对象,通过对离体再生条件、抗...
文献信息:郭琛等. 请登录
文献信息:徐海峰等. 请登录
简介:柑桔是世界上最重要的水果之一,在我国水果产业中占据了重要的经济地位。但是因为柑桔上存在童期过长、多胚性现象、遗传的高度杂合及单性结实等特点,利用常规育种方法受到限制,影响了育种工作的进行。近年来,不断完善的转基因技术为我们提供了一种更加快速直接的育种和品种改良手段。 转基因技术日益成为品种改良的重要手段,并为人类带来巨大收益,但是由于目前大多使用抗生素抗性基因和抗除草剂类基因作为标记基因,对环境和...
文献信息:胡新喜等. 请登录
文献信息:Chen CX, Zheng Q, Soneji JR, Xiang X, Choi YA, Huang S, Rao MN, Gmitter Jr GF.等. 发表于【Acta Horticulturae】 | 请登录
文献信息:Gentle A, Deng Z, Malfa LA, Distefano G, Domina F, Vitale A, Polizzi G, Lorito M, Tribulato E.等. 发表于【Plant Breeding】 | , 请登录
简介:Antifungal genes from micro-organisms were inserted into the genome of a number of plant species, representing a promising strategy for conferring genetic disease resistance against a broad range of plant pathogenic fungi. In the present study, the chit42 gene from Trichoderma harzianum (codifying the antifungal protein endochitinase) was introduced into the Femminello siracusano lemon by Agroba...
文献信息:Duan YX, Liu X, Fan J, Li DL, Wu RC, Guo WW.等. 发表于【BOTANICAL STUDIES】 | 请登录
文献信息:Soneji JR, Chen CX, Rao MN, Huang S, Choi YA, Gmitter Jr FG.等. 发表于【Acta Horticulturae】 | 请登录
文献信息:Terol J, Conesa A, Colmenero JM, Cercos M, Tadeo F, Agustí J, Alós E, Andres F, Soler G, Brumos J, Iglesias DJ, Götz S, Legaz F, Argout X, Courto等. 发表于【BMC Genomics】 | , 请登录
简介:Background: Improvement of Citrus, the most economically important fruit crop in the world, is extremely slow and inherently costly because of the long-term nature of tree breeding and an unusual combination of reproductive characteristics. Aside from disease resistance, major commercial traits in Citrus are improved fruit quality, higher yield and tolerance to environmental stresses, especially s...
文献信息:Weiss J, Ros-Chumillas M, Peña L, Egea-Cortines M.等. 发表于【Journal of Biotechnology】 | , 请登录
简介:Recombinant DNA technology is an important tool in the development of plant varieties with new favourable features. There is strong opposition towards this technology due to the potential risk of horizontal gene transfer between genetically modified plant material and food-associated bacteria, especially if genes for antibiotic resistance are involved. Since horizontal transfer efficiency depends ...
文献信息:Luis Gustavo de Paoli, Raquel Luciana Boscariol Camargo, Ricardo Harakava, Beatriz Madalena Januzzi等. 发表于【Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira】 | 请登录
简介:The objective of this work was to produce 'Valencia' sweet orange transgenic plants with the cecropin MB39 gene controlled by a phenylalanine ammonia-lyase gene promoter from citrus in order to direct gene expression in xylem vessels. The genetic transformation was mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens with the co-culture of epicotyl segments. Eleven transgenic plants were selected by PCR with the...
文献信息:Endo T,Shimada T,Fujii H,Moriguchi T,Omura M.等. 发表于【SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE】 | 请登录
文献信息:Folimonov AS, Folimonova SY, Bar-Joseph M, Dawson WO.等. 发表于【Virology】 | , 请登录
简介:Virus-based vectors are important tools in plant molecular biology and plant genomics. A number of vectors based on viruses that infect herbaceous plants are in use for expression or silencing of genes in plants as well as screening unknown sequences for function. Yet there is a need for useful virus-based vectors for woody plants, which demand much greater stability because of the longer time req...
文献信息:Ballester A, Cervera M, Pena L.等. 发表于【Acta Horticulturae】 | 请登录
文献信息:Molina RV, Castello S, Garcia-Luis A, Guardiola JL.等. 发表于【PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE】 | 请登录
文献信息:Zanek MC, Reyes CA, Cervera M, Peña EJ, Velázquez K, Costa N, Plata MI, Grau O, Peña L, García ML.等. 发表于【Plant Cell Reports】 | 请登录
简介:Citrus psorosis is a serious viral disease affecting citrus trees in many countries. Its causal agent is Citrus psorosis virus (CPsV), the type member of genus Ophiovirus. CPsV infects most important citrus varieties, including oranges, mandarins and grapefruits, as well as hybrids and citrus relatives used as rootstocks. Certification programs have not been sufficient to control the disease and n...
文献信息:Song KJ, Jin SB, Riu KZ.等. 发表于【Acta Horticulturae】 | 请登录
文献信息:Ananthakrishnan G,Orbović V,Pasquali G,Ćalović M,Grosser JW.等. 发表于【In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology - Plant】 | 请登录
简介:Transgenic plants of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf.) cvs. ‘Duncan’, ‘Flame’, ‘Marsh’, and ‘Ruby Red’were obtained using Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of seedling epicotyl tissue. Two citrus tristeza virus (CTV)-derived candidate resistance genes: ‘392’ (3′region of the p23 ORF plus 3′ untranslated region—UTR) and ‘p23 hairpin’ (sense-p23 ORF plus UTR plus anti...