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  • 401. A simple and efficient in planta transformation method for pommelo (Citrus maxima) using Agrobacterium tumefaciens

    文献信息:Zhang, Yong-yan Zhang, Dong-min Zhong, Yun Chang, Xiao-jun Hu, Min-lun Cheng, Chun-zhen等.  2016-12-01 发表于【Scientia Horticulturae】 |  , 请登录

    简介:A simple and efficient transformation method is important for plant genetic breeding and gene function analysis. In this study, we developed a in planta transformation approach for pommelo (Citrus maxima), which includes seed germination, seedling decapitation, Parafilm funnel-type-winding, Agrobacterium infection, co-culture, selective-culture, dark treatment for buds induction, transgene integra...

    402. Transgenic citrus expressing synthesized cecropin B genes in the phloem exhibits decreased susceptibility to Huanglongbing

    文献信息:Zou, Xiuping Jiang, Xueyou Xu, Lanzhen Lei, Tiangang Peng, Aihong He, Yongrui Yao, Lixiao Chen, Shanchun等.  2016-10-19 发表于【Plant Molecular Biology】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Expression of synthesized cecropin B genes in the citrus phloem, where Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus resides, significantly decreased host susceptibility to Huanglongbing. Huanglongbing (HLB), associated with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus bacteria, is the most destructive disease of citrus worldwide. All of the commercial sweet orange cultivars lack resistance to this disease. The cationic...

    403. 柑橘衰退病毒基因p23 RNAi载体的构建及转化

    文献信息:李芳 ,邓子牛, 赵亚 ,李大志 ,戴素明等.  2016-08-19 发表于【中国农业科学】 |  , 请登录

    简介:构建柑橘衰退病毒(Citrus tristeza virus,CTV)含p23的RNAi载体,以获得具有抗性的柑橘转基因植株。【方法】基于转化病毒基因介导抗性,根据NCBI公布的CTV基因组序列,查找p23保守序列,设计并克隆两条不同长度的片段。对两条片段和植物表达载体p BI 121进行双酶切和连接来构建RNAi载体。初步预测所构建的载体发生RNAi抗病毒的可行性。利用农杆菌介导的瞬时表达技术将含RNAi载体的农杆菌注射入CTV指示植物墨西哥莱蒙的叶片,利用GUS组织化...

    404. 柑橘衰退病毒基因RNAi载体的构建

    文献信息:李芳 ,邓子牛, 赵亚 ,李大志, 戴素明等.  发表于【湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版)】 |  , 请登录

    简介:基于转化病毒基因介导抗性,通过在植物表达载体p CAMBIA 2301上插入启动子–内含子–终止子的方式,构建一种含有发夹结构的、通用型强的RNAi载体骨架结构;以柑橘衰退病毒(citrus tristeza virus,CTV)的p25、p20和p23基因保守序列为模板设计正向片段和反向片段,先后与骨架载体连接,成功构建了3个RNAi载体(分别命名为ds2301–p25、ds2301–p20和ds2301–p23),并将载体ds2301–p23注射入墨西哥莱蒙叶片。制作p23基因的地高辛标记探针,用...

    405. 柑橘新品种金峡桃叶橙区域试验

    文献信息:何利刚, 蒋迎春 ,吴黎明 ,仝铸, 王志静 ,孙中海 ,许淼等.  发表于【湖南农业科学】 |  , 请登录

    简介:桃叶橙[Citrus sinensis(L.)Osbeck cv.Taoyecheng]原产秭归县屈原镇龙马溪村,品质优良,被誉为\"峡橙三秀\"之一。然而,随着1990年脐橙产业发展壮大以来,桃叶橙种植面积逐渐萎缩,同时由于栽培品种混杂,品质性状表现参差不齐,阻碍了桃叶橙产业的稳定发展。为了复兴桃叶橙产业,推广地方特色品种,优化柑橘品种结构,项目组自2009年以来一直开展桃叶橙的提纯选优工作,通过长期调查搜集、品质测定和分子鉴定,最终筛选出果大、少核、高糖低酸...

    406. Expression of Bacillus thuringiensis cytolytic toxin (Cyt2Ca1) in citrus roots to control Diaprepes abbreviatus larvae

    文献信息:Sulley BenMahmoud a,John E. Ramos b, Robert G. Shatters Jr. b, David G. Hall b, Stephen L. Lapointe b, Randall P. Niedz b,PierreRougé c,Ronald D. Cave等.  2016-07-26 发表于【Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Diaprepes abbreviatus (L.) is an important pest of citrus inthe USA. Currently, no effectivemanagement strategies ofD. abbreviatus exist incitriculture, and newmethods of control are desperately sought. Toprotect citrus against D. abbreviatus a transgenic citrus rootstock expressing Bacillus thuringiensis Cyt2Ca1, an insect toxin protein,was developed using Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of...

    407. 我国近十年审(认)定的柑桔新品种及其解读脐橙早熟新品种‘赣脐4号’的选育

    文献信息:伊华林, 李秋景, 程玉芳, 米兰芳, 汪爱云, 钟八莲, 陈健美, 苏华楠, 彭婷, 钟日芬, 林石鑫等.  发表于【中国南方果树】 |  , 请登录

    简介: 近年来,我国柑桔育种取得了较大进展。对2006 — 2014年我国审(认)定的柑桔新品种
    <br />数量、类型,涉及的育种技术、人员和单位情况进行整理。结果显示,此期间,我国育种队伍不断壮
    <br />大,核心力量逐渐形成,育种手段多样化程度有所提高;共审(认)定113个新品种,其中引种41
    <br />个,芽变选种(含珠心系变异) 53个等,以异源四倍体体细胞杂种为父本再和二倍体杂交获得三倍
    <br />体品种1个。同时,...

    408. 转基因柑橘外源基因拷贝数的实时荧光定量PCR检测

    文献信息:许兰珍, 何永睿, 雷天刚, 彭爱红, 姚利晓, 姜国金, 李强, 邹修平, 陈善春等.  发表于【园艺学报】 |  , 请登录

    简介:为分析转基因柑橘中外源基因整合拷贝数,基于实时荧光定量 PCR 法,建立通用、准确、
    <br />简便的转基因柑橘外源基因拷贝数检测体系,利用该体系成功检测了 150 个转基因柑橘单株系外源基因
    <br />整合拷贝数。结果表明,转基因柑橘中外源基因整合最低拷贝数为 1,最高达 5 个,其中 1、2 和 ≥ 3
    <br />拷贝的单株数分别占总数的 40.0%、18.0%和 42.0%;采用 Southern blot 技术进行检测,结果基本一致,
    <br />极少数单株经实时...

    409. 柑橘新品种‘金峡桃叶橙’

    文献信息:吴黎明, 蒋迎春, 何利刚, 王志静, 仝铸, 孙中海, 许淼, 吴述勇, 廖胜才等.  发表于【园艺学报】 |  , 请登录

    简介:‘金峡桃叶橙’是从‘桃叶橙 18 号’芽变中选育出的新品种。树体生长健壮,果实近圆球形,橙红色,果形指数 0.98,平均单果质量 140 g 以上。果肉橙黄色,少核或无核,高糖低酸,香气浓郁,质脆化渣,风味香甜。果汁含可溶性固形物 12.96%,可滴定酸 0.45%,维生素 C 304.5 mg · L -1 ,品质优。早结实,丰产稳产性好,发梢能力强,在湖北秭归地区 4 月中下旬开花,11 月下旬至 12 月上旬果实成熟。

    410. 脐橙早熟新品种‘赣脐4号’的选育

    文献信息:米兰芳, 汪爱云, 钟八莲, 陈健美, 苏华楠, 彭婷, 钟日芬, 林石鑫等.  发表于【果树学报】 |  , 请登录

    简介:‘赣脐4号’是从‘纽荷尔’脐橙芽变中选育的脐橙新品种。该品种果实圆形或偏扁圆形,单果质量220~240 g,成熟果实外观漂亮,品质优,果肉脆嫩化渣,易剥皮,可溶性固形物含量12.1%,总酸含量0.47%,维生素C含量633.0mg·L -1 。树势中等,坐果率高,早结丰产性好。多点区域试验和品种比较试验表明,该品种成熟早,成熟期在9月下旬至10月上旬。

    411. 柑橘新品种‘桂橘一号’的选育

    文献信息:邓崇岭, 陈传武, 唐艳, 伊华林, 邓光宙, 付慧敏, 刘冰浩, 罗鸿林, 范承彪等.  发表于【果树学报】 |  , 请登录

    简介:‘桂橘一号’是从‘蜜广橘’芽变中选育的早熟柑橘新品种。果实扁圆形,果皮橙黄色,果面光滑,有光泽,果肉橙黄色,化渣,味清甜;平均单果质量46.77 g,最大单果质量63.3 g,果形指数0.72;每果实含种子0.85粒,单胚,子叶淡绿色。可食率78.01%,果汁率61.31%,可溶性固形物含量12.29%,全糖11.02%,可滴定酸0.64%,固酸比19.85,维生素C含量212.0 mg·g -1 ;品质上等。果实生育期160 d,在桂林兴安 10月上中旬成熟。桂北地区及...

    412. QTL mapping of mandarin (Citrus reticulata) fruit characters using high-throughput SNP markers

    文献信息:Yu, Y., Chen, C. X., Gmitter, F. G.等.  发表于【Tree Genetics & Genomes】 | 请登录

    简介:Seedlessness, flavor, and color are top priorities for mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) cultivar improvement. Given long juvenility, large tree size, and high breeding cost, marker-assisted selection (MAS) may be an expeditious and economical approach to these challenges. The objectives of this study were to construct high-density mandarin genetic maps and to identify single nucleotide polymorp...

    413. Factors affecting Agrobacterium-mediated transformation efficiency of kumquat seedling internodal stem segments

    文献信息:Yang, L., Hu, W., Xie, Y. M., Li, Y., Deng, Z. N.等.  发表于【Scientia Horticulturae】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Kumquat (Fortunella crassifolia Swingle.) has a short juvenile phase of 2-3 years and it can flower and bear fruit several times per year. It is, therefore, helpful for citrus to evaluate functional genes rapidly. In the present experimentation, a comprehensive and systematic study was performed to improve the transformation efficiency of kumquat, which was usually less than 4.1% in previous repor...

    414. Biolistic transformation of Carrizo citrange (Citrus sinensis Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf.)

    文献信息:Wu, H., Acanda, Y., Jia, H. G., Wang, N. A., Zale, J.等.  发表于【Plant Cell Reports】 | 请登录

    简介:The development of transgenic citrus plants by the biolistic method. A protocol for the biolistic transformation of epicotyl explants and transgenic shoot regeneration of immature citrange rootstock, cv. Carrizo (Citrus sinensis Osb. x Poncirus trifoliata L. Raf.) and plant regeneration is described. Immature epicotyl explants were bombarded with a vector containing the nptII selectable marker and...

    415. Induction of parthenogenetic haploid plants using gamma irradiated pollens in \'Hirado Buntan\' pummelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck)

    文献信息:Wang, S. M., Lan, H., Jia, H. H., Xie, K. D., Wu, X. M., Chen, C. L., Guo, W. W.等.  发表于【Scientia Horticulturae】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Homozygous genotypes have great potential in breeding and genomic researches in higher plants. Induction of parthenogenesis via pollination with gamma-irradiated pollens is an efficient method to obtain haploid plants that can overcome the biological limitations of fruit trees. In this study, we investigated the induction of haploid plants in ‘Hirado Buntan’ pummlo (Citrus grandis) through in-si...

    416. Species discrimination of the genus Citrus and the hybridization analysis

    文献信息:Sun, Y. L., Jin, C. W., Hong, S. K.等.  发表于【Research Journal of Biotechnology】 | 请登录

    简介:The genus Citrus (Aurantioideae, Rutaceae) is the most important fruit crops all around the world. As many cultivated and weedy species/varieties exist in this genus, botanists hold different opinions on the taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus Citrus all the time. To evaluate the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationship of Citrus species, we collected 22 Citrus species and evaluated the genetic dive...

    417. A survey of FLS2 genes from multiple citrus species identifies candidates for enhancing disease resistance to Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri

    文献信息:Shi, Q. C., Febres, V. J., Jones, J. B., Moore, G. A.等.  发表于【Horticulture Research】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)-triggered immunity (PTI) is an important component of plant innate immunity. In a previous study, we showed that the PAMP flg22 from Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri (Xflg22), the causal agent of citrus canker, induced PTI in citrus, which correlated with the observed levels of canker resistance. Here, we identified and sequenced two bacterial flagellin/f...

    418. Effects of salinity on diploid (2x) and doubled diploid (4x) Citrus macrophylla genotypes

    文献信息:Ruiz, M., Quinones, A., Martinez-Alcantara, B., Aleza, P., Morillon, R., Navarro, L., Primo-Millo, E., Martinez-Cuenca, M. R.等.  发表于【Scientia Horticulturae】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Tetraploid (4x) citrus seedlings may be more tolerant to salt stress than diploid (2x) genotypes. Genome duplication in citrus changes both plant physiology and anatomy, leading plants to acquire differentiated capacities to uptake and transport mineral elements. To provide insight into this behaviour, 2x and 4x Citrus macrophylla (CM), seedlings were grown at moderate (40 mM NaCl) and high salini...

    419. Uncontrolled Citrus psorosis virus infection in Citrus sinensis transgenic plants expressing a viral 24K-derived hairpin that does not trigger RNA silencing

    文献信息:Reyes, C. A., De Francesco, A., Ocolotobiche, E. E., Costa, N., Garcia, M. L.等.  发表于【Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Citrus psorosis virus (CPsV) is the causal agent of psorosis disease of citrus. Pineapple sweet orange plants were transformed with a hairpin construct derived from the viral 24k gene (lines ihp24K). Contrary to expectations, these lines did not trigger efficient RNA silencing, and when infected with CPsV they showed a phenotype of exacerbated symptoms with a persistent and homogeneous infection w...

    420. Citrus breeding, genetics and genomics in Japan

    文献信息:Omura, M., Shimada, T.等.  发表于【Breeding Science】 |  , 请登录

    简介:Citrus is one of the most cultivated fruits in the world, and satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc.) is a major cultivated citrus in Japan. Many excellent cultivars derived from satsuma mandarin have been released through the improvement of mandarins using a conventional breeding method. The citrus breeding program is a lengthy process owing to the long juvenility, and it is predicted that marker-...

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