文献信息: Dominguez, M. M., Padilla, C. S. and Mandadi, K. K.等. 请登录
简介:Developing an efficient transformation system is vital in genetically engineering recalcitrant crops, particularly trees. Here, we outline an Agrobacterium tumefaciens-based stable plant transformation methodology for citrus genetic engineering. The process was optimized to suit the requirements of fourteen citrus varieties by establishing appropriate infection, co-cultivation, selection, and cult...
文献信息: Jia, Hongge, Wang, Yuanchun, Su, Hang, Huang, Xiaoen and Wang, Nian等. 请登录
简介:Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc) is an economically important disease in most citrus production regions worldwide. Xcc secretes a transcriptional activator like effector (TALE) PthA4 to bind to the effector binding elements (EBEs) in the promoter region of canker susceptibility gene LOB1 to activate its expression, which in turn causes canker symptoms. Editing the EBE r...
文献信息: 吴巨勋 and 伊华林等. 请登录
简介:华柑4号”是从靖安椪柑(Citrus reticulata Blanco.)芽变中选育出来的无核柑桔新品种。2021年8月通过非主要农作物品种登记,登记编号为GPD柑橘(2021)420013。该品种果实成熟时果皮色泽呈黄橙色,果皮较薄、较光滑,果皮厚度2.0 mm,易剥皮,油胞较小,果形指数0.80,果实扁圆形,单果重124.81 g,可溶性固形物含量13.2%,可滴定酸含量1.17%,维生素C含量为30.77 mg/100 g,平均单果种子数为0.19粒,混栽或单独栽培均接近无核。
文献信息:张文龙等. 请登录
文献信息:Bezerra, Yane Caroline dos Anjos, Marques, João Paulo Rodrigues, Stipp, Liliane Cristina Liborio, Attílio, Lísia Borges, Freitas-Astúa, Juliana a等. 请登录
文献信息:张婧芸, 刘语诺, 王兆昊, 彭爱红, 陈善春, 何永睿等. 请登录
文献信息:Conti, G., Xoconostle-Cazares, B., Marcelino-Perez, G., Hopp, H. E. and Reyes, C. A.等. 请登录
简介: Citrus are among the most prevailing fruit crops produced worldwide. The implementation of effective and reliable breeding programs is essential for coping with the increasing demands of satisfactory yield and quality of the fruit as well as to deal with the negative impact of fast-spreading diseases. Conventional methods are time-consuming and of difficult application because of inherent factors...
文献信息:Dutt, Manjul, Grosser, Jude W. and Killiny, Nabil等. 请登录
文献信息:Mahmoud, Lamiaa M., Grosser, Jude W. and Dutt, Manjul等. 请登录
文献信息:Purba, Dumaris Priskila, Husni, Ali, Akhidaya, Alina, Kosmiatin, Mia and Purwito, Agus等. 请登录
简介:Siam orange (Citrus nobilis L.) provides great economic value and social importance, despite its susceptibility to Huanglongbing (HLB) disease caused by Ca. Liberabacter sp., classified as specific bacterium phloem vessels marked by the formation of callouses covering plasmodesmata. This research aims to improve the tolerance of Siam orange from Banyuwangi (SB) to HLB disease. The experiment was u...
文献信息:Peng, Aihong, Zhang, Jingyun, Zou, Xiuping, He, Yongrui, Xu, Lanzhen, Lei, Tiangang, Yao, Lixiao, Li, Qiang and Chen, Shanchun等. 请登录
简介:itrus canker, caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (Xcc), is a major bacterial disease responsible for substantial economic losses in citrus-producing areas. To breed transgenic citrus plants with enhanced resistance to citrus canker, two antimicrobial peptide genes, PR1aCB and AATCB, were incorporated into 'Tarocco' blood orange (Citrus sinensis Osbeck) plants via co-transformation and sequen...
文献信息:Wu, Qianqian, Moniruzzaman, M, Yan, Huanxue, Lv, Yuanda, Jiang, Bo, Jiang, Nonghui and Zhong, Yun等. 请登录
简介:Huanglongbing (HLB) disease, also known as citrus greening, is a severe threat for citrus fruit cultivation industry. Till date, neither any effective radical method to control HLB nor HLB resistant cultivar is developed. The aim of this study was to provide clues for unraveling the molecular regulatory mechanism of citrus in response to HLB, and to provide reference gene for breeding of HLB resis...
文献信息:Fujii, Hiroshi, Nonaka, Keisuke, Minamikawa, Mai F., Endo, Tomoko, Sugiyama, Aiko, Hamazaki, Kosuke, Iwata, Hiroyoshi, Omura, Mitsuo and Shimada, Take等. 请登录
简介:To enrich carotenoids, especially beta-cryptoxanthin, in juice sac tissues of fruits via molecular breeding in citrus, allele mining was utilized to dissect allelic variation of carotenoid metabolic genes and identify an optimum allele on the target loci characterized by expression quantitative trait (eQTL) analysis. SNPs of target carotenoid metabolic genes in 13 founders of the Japanese citrus b...
文献信息: Dutt, Manjul, Mahmoud, Lamiaa M., Chamusco, Karen, Stanton, Daniel, Chase, Christine D., Nielsen, Ethan, Quirico, Maria, Yu, Qibin, Gmitter, Frederic等. 请登录
简介:The Australian finger lime is a unique citrus species that has gained importance due to its unique fruit characteristics and perceived tolerance to Huanglongbing (HLB), an often-fatal disease of citrus trees. In this study, we developed allotetraploid finger lime hybrids and cybrids by utilizing somatic cell fusion techniques to fuse diploid 'OLL8' sweet orange or 'Page' tangelo callus-derived pro...
文献信息:Killiny, Nabil, Nehela, Yasser, George, Justin, Rashidi, Mahnaz, Stelinski, Lukasz L. and Lapointe, Stephen L.等. 请登录
简介:Huanglongbing (HLB) is one of the most destructive diseases in citrus worldwide. Unfortunately, HLB has no cure and management relies on insecticides to reduce populations of the vector, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Liviidae). We propose an attract-and-kill strategy using a trap crop as an alternative to vector control to reduce transmission of the pathogen, 'Candidatus Liberibacter asiat...
文献信息:Lourkisti, Radia, Oustric, Julie, Quilichini, Yann, Froelicher, Yann, Herbette, Stephane, Morillon, Raphael, Berti, Liliane and Santini, Jeremie等. 请登录
简介:olyploidy plays a major role in citrus plant breeding to improve the adaptation of polyploid rootstocks as well as scions to adverse conditions and to enhance agronomic characteristics. In Citrus breeding programs, triploidy could be a useful tool to react to environmental issues and consumer demands because the produced fruits are seedless. In this study, we compared the physiological, biochemica...
文献信息:Shi, Cai-Yun, Hussain, Syed Bilal, Han, Han, Alam, Shariq Mahmood, Liu, Dong and Liu, Yong-Zhong等. 请登录
简介: Citrate is an important intermediate product for the biosynthesis of several metabolites in plants. As two important organs of the citrus plant, fruits and leaves have their own metabolites characteristics; among them, citrate is normally high in fruit juice sacs (JS) and low in leaves. In this study, citrate content and transcript levels of citrate synthesis, transport, storage, and utilization ...
文献信息:Khan, Madiha, Hu, Jianbing, Dahro, Bachar, Ming, Ruhong, Zhang, Yang, Wang, Yue, Alhag, Ahmed, Li, Chunlong and Liu, Ji-Hong等. 请登录
简介:Ethylene-responsive factors (ERFs) are plant-specific transcription factors involved in cold stress response, and raffinose is known to accumulate in plants exposed to cold. However, it remains elusive whether ERFs function in cold tolerance by modulating raffinose synthesis. Here, we identified a cold-responsive PtrERF108 from trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.), a cold-tolerant pla...
文献信息:Huai, B., Bai, M., Tong, P. P., He, H. J., Liang, M. J., Chen, C. Y. and Wu, H.等. 请登录
简介:Caspase-3 is the crucial executor caspase of apoptosis in mammalian cells, which is essential for chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation. Although plants have no caspase-3 homologs, PBA1 acts as a plant caspase-3-like enzyme in plant programmed cell death (PCD). PCD occurs during the formation of secretory cavities in Citrus fruits; hence, secretory cavities could be utilized as a new cell b...
文献信息:Tang, Xiaomei, Chen, Shulin, Yu, Huiwen, Zheng, Xiongjie, Zhang, Fei, Deng, Xiuxin and Xu, Qiang等. 请登录
简介:Key message Here, we developed a reliable protocol for the fast and efficient gene-edited Anliu sweet orange plants production. The application of in vitro shoot grafting technology significantly reduced the growth cycle of transgenic seedlings, and the survival rate of cleft grafting was more than 90%. In addition, the mutation efficiency of the grafted geneedited sweet orange was significantly i...